Knowledge Base Article #189 - Action SOURCE other than PHASE has been selected with MTA_TST! Test will be Aborted!
DateFeb 23, 2012
ByRobertson, Gina
Filed UnderRoutine
Issue Addressed
When running the Sync Angle tests for the 300 series SEL relays, users would receive this message: "Action SOURCE other than PHASE has been selected with MTA_TST! Test will be Aborted!" This affected users of RTS or higher.
Causes of Issue
A code change created a conflict, causing the message to appear.
Solution to this Issue
We have opted to correct the individual routines.

Solution 1: Modify existing Library Routine

� Open the SEL routine located in the Library side of the Routine Selection window
� Scroll to the bottom on the list and located the following two test procedures. The following change should be made to both tests.
o 25ANG1 SYNC ANGLE (25A1)
o 25ANG2 SYNC ANGLE (25A2)
� Select the User Options Tab
� Select the Advanced Options button
� Scroll to the bottom of the window
� Add the following variable to the last line of the displayed text
� This will fix the problem

Solution 2: Download the latest RTS FasData database and merge the following routines into their database

� SEL-300G.FST Version 3.9
� SEL-311B.FST Version 3.9
� SEL-311C.FST Version 3.11
� SEL-351.FST Version 3.9
� SEL-531A.FST Version 3.9
� SEL-351R.FST Version 3.9
� SEL-351S.FST Version 3.10
� SEL-352.FST Version 2.7

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