Knowledge Base Article #190 - Unable to launch ENOPrint. May not be COM registered.
DateJun 28, 2012
ByRobertson, Gina
Filed UnderENO Tools
Issue Addressed
The Print Manager may not successfully open for users after pre-release updates are applied. This may occur after test operation or when accessing via the "View Results" button from the main screen of RTS. The error message will read:
ENOPrint Launch Error
Unable to launch ENOPrint. May not be COM registered. Contact Enoserv Technical Support.
Causes of Issue
When overwriting existing executables with the latest pre-releases, RTS will occasionally lose its connection to the Print Manager.
Solution to this Issue
Open ENOPrint.exe from its native directory, typically C:ProgramFilesENOSERVCommonFiles and select a database. Close the Print Manager and then try to access by clicking the "View Results" button from the main screen of RTS, or by running a test and generating a result.

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