Knowledge Base Article #193 - Active Directory Issues in 7.0.2
DateMar 25, 2014
ByPinkstaff, Ross
Filed UnderPowerBase
Issue Addressed
In the PowerBase 7.0.2 release, the Active Directory module has been updated. The newly updated module has been optimized and offers a lot more options.
Causes of Issue
With any change, the potential for issues can occur. While rigorous testing of the new AD code has been performed, it is impossible to test all possible AD configurations.
Solution to this Issue
The old Active Directory module still exists in PowerBase. A new setup option can be added to revert to the old AD Module
ParamName = AD_USE_ENOAD
Param Num = 1,0
Where 1 is to use the new module and 0 is to use the old one.

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