Knowledge Base Article #195 - Closing a crashed application within a Citrix hosted environment using Task Manager
DateDec 30, 2015
BySweet, Alexander
Filed UnderPowerBase
Issue Addressed
Accessing the Task Manager within a Citrix enviornment due to nonresponsive applications (e.g. ENOPrint, PowerBase, etc)

Causes of Issue

Citrix hosted applications crash and are then not able to exit properly.

Solution to this Issue
To access Task Manager from the Citrix environment:

- Press CTRL + F1
- Select "Start Task Manager"
- Click on the "Processes" tab and find the appropriate " Image Name* "
- Once the correct Image Name is selected and highlighted, click "End Process."

*Note: For PowerBase, the image name is PowerBase.exe. Other applications, such as EnoPrint (ENOPrint.exe) can also be found here.

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