Knowledge Base Article #197 - Error opening RTS database files with a file format 2007 or newer.
DateJul 18, 2016
ByConnelly, Sean
Filed UnderRTS
Issue Addressed
Unable to open RTS database files with RTS after updating MS Access to version 2013 or newer due to the following error.
"Unable to connect to database due to the following error: Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."
Causes of Issue
As of MS Access 2013 (64bit applications), Microsoft stopped including 32bit support for the 2007-2013 database formats. Because of this, anytime an RTS database is opened using MS Access and is updated by the User to the newer format, RTS will no longer connect to the database due to the lack of 32bit drivers for the new file format.
Solution to this Issue
There are two solutions to this issue...
Solution 1: Open the database file using MS Access and save it to the 2002/2003 file format. This is the default file format used by RTS and is supported by Microsoft as a 32bit file. Once the file has been saved in this format, use the Windows Explorer (NOT the Internet Explorer) to rename the file extension from *.mdb to *.mdr. RTS will now be able to access the database file normally.
Solution 2: Download and install the Access Database Engine found at the following location. This will enable RTS to open the newer database file formats without changing the file format using MS Access.

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